HR Project Support

HR support when you need it.
Helping you with all your HR requirements

HR Support

when you need it

Where I can accurately assess the scope of a piece of work, I am happy to work on a fixed fee for the whole project. Alternatively, I can charge an agreed hourly rate.

Work suitable for this pricing structure includes employment contracts and handbooks, appraisal systems, restructuring and redundancy exercises.

What’s included:

Recruitment and selection

Employee handbook and contracts

HR policies and procedures

Disciplinary and grievance procedures

Restructuring and redundancy support

HR Support Packages

Retained HR Support

My Retained HR Services packages provide you with comprehensive HR support and the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your business is protected.

From £140 per month

HR Project Support

We can support you with project support such as employment contracts and handbooks, appraisal systems, restructuring and redundancy exercises.


HR in a Box

I have created a range of business packages for you to purchase straight off the shelf and amend to suit your business. Each package includes an introductory phone call.

From £249 per package

Get in touch NOW to see how we can make your workplace great!!

12 + 4 =

HR, Mental Health, Wellbeing and Employee Engagement


  • Coaching
  • Employee Wellbeing
  • HR Support
  • Employee Engagement

HR Training Courses

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Lisa Esposito-Maffei
T: 07990 712008

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